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Let’s talk about the corporate responsibility towards anti-racism

Let’s talk about the corporate responsibility towards anti-racism

In the year post-2020, how have we furthered anti-racism? How much responsibility and action has actually taken place? How much are companies and corporations working towards anti-racism? Performative allyship is not enough, yet the cognitive dissonance organisations have accumulated has made companies absolve themselves of all moral and human responsibility

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Confused man

Should you express emotions at work?

Completely getting rid of negative thoughts & feelings is almost impossible. This is because we’ve evolved a brain over millions of years whose primary purpose is threat detection. Living in a hostile and unpredictable world – which is what most of human life and history was like until very recently

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Collective Responsibility… in our fight against racism

Racism’s systemic nature means that, as Audre Lorde writes, “we have all been programmed to respond to the human differences between us with fear and loathing to handle those differences in one of three ways: ignore it… copy it if we think it’s dominant or destroy it if we think

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Two women talking

Dealing with Impostor Syndrome

“I am not good enough”, “I don’t belong here”, “Soon they will find out that I don’t deserve this”, “My luck is going to run out”, “My abilities have been overestimated” – Have you heard any of these before or ever thought these to yourself? If you have, then you

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Military women from India

Female soldiers make the military stronger

In recent weeks, the US senate has seen a growing momentum to expand the military draft to include women, especially after Pentagon opened all combat roles to women in 2015.[1] A congressionally authorised commission also backed this change in March last year. The change in terminology to “All Americans” is

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Four women laughing

At workplaces, humour is serious business

It’s been a really serious and sobering year-and-a-half for all of us collectively. The pandemic and its resultant economic turmoil, socio-political strife, and the constant doom-and-gloom of the media have (understandably) wiped the smiles off a lot of people’s faces

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A man who has made a mistake is shouting at a laptop

Oops, I made a mistake! Now what?

What happens then when you fall short of what you were accountable for? What happens if, oops, you make a mistake at work? Do you shy away from it, ignore it or pretend that it never happened? Or do you accept it, own it and correct it? Accountability is not

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Image with a white women smiling

The role of behavioural science in driving inclusion

Behavioural science is a multi-disciplinary field that aims at understanding and influencing people’s behaviours by incorporating insights from subjects such as psychology, economics, neuroscience, and anthropology. These insights have been leveraged across sectors and functional areas, including in product design, marketing, and HR. They also play an influential role in

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