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Our Events

Since our inception, In Diverse Company has been dedicated to fostering equality, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I) across various industries. We organise a range of events, from intimate breakfast sessions addressing specific industry challenges to larger gatherings featuring panel discussions and networking opportunities.

We recognise that the journey toward building diverse and inclusive organisations is not without its obstacles. However, the inspiring individuals we've encountered globally have reinforced our belief that the future of organisational cultures can indeed be brighter. Through inclusivity, we can achieve not only better and more productive workplaces but also more commercially successful enterprises.

Since In Diverse Company launched, we have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most inspiring influencers across the ED&I space – passionate about working collaboratively to create inclusive cultures for all.

By attending our events, you will hear compelling evidence of the transformative power of inclusion within the workplace. You'll also have the chance to network, discuss pressing issues and challenges, and join a supportive community of professionals committed to advancing their ED&I journeys.

Join us at our next event to be inspired, informed, and connected with like-minded individuals striving to make a difference in the world of work. Together, we can create inclusive cultures that drive success for everyone.

Past Events:

July 2024
18 July
17:30 - 19:30

Social Leadership – The World Is Changing, Do Leaders Need To? (Hosted by Luminary)

May 2024
20 May
11:30 - 12:30

Inclusive Leadership in Education

September 2023
28 September
14:00 - 15:00

Creating change as an individual

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You can sign up for an upcoming event by simply filling in the blank on each event page. 

All our events are free of charge. We welcome everyone to join without any cost!

Absolutely! You can sign up for as many events as you’d like.

We aim to host at least one event per month.

You can stay updated by following us on our social media channels, where we regularly post all event updates. (Link Linkedin, Instagram)

While we don’t have a strict limit, our events typically accommodate 20-30 people. This size allows our facilitators to engage actively with all attendees and provide a more focused experience.

Yes, you can download a calendar invite for each event. Your calendar will then send you a notification to remind you when the event is approaching!

Our sessions are fully online, so you’ll need a stable internet connection for a smooth experience. We recommend using headphones for better sound quality, and a microphone if you wish to ask questions or engage verbally. A chat option is also available for interaction.

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Growth Through Inclusion

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