
Building resilience: Thriving amidst workplace stress



The session is at 2 pm BST/ 6:30 pm IST.


Today’s workplace is filled with a variety of stressors and uncertainties like never before – over or under communication and collaboration, blurred boundaries, and tight deadlines. For years, work has been the number one stressor in people’s lives across the globe. It has continued its upward trajectory since the last decade, especially reaching its peak since the pandemic and leading to employee burnout (Gallup, 2023).

Despite this, some people flourish and successfully beat the stress at work. How do they do that?


Resilience is one of the key strategies to tackle workplace stress and navigate through work and life challenges. It is the ability to bounce back, and face adversities head-on with a growth mindset and problem-solving approach. Resilience can help you, your team and your organisation achieve high performance at work. Understanding what resilience is and how you can foster it within yourself, and your team can help you become more adaptable, confident, and competent. Since it is a set of attitudes, behaviours, and social supports, anyone can learn to become more resilient.

We invite you to attend IDC’s one-hour masterclass on understanding resilience and developing it as a skill in the workplace. This will allow you to cope with workplace challenges in a well-equipped manner by learning how to become more resilient.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what resilience is and why is it important in the workplace
  • Discover the science behind and benefits of being resilient
  • Examine the connection between stress and resilience
  • Explore ways to enhance resilience through practical actions and approaches
  • Reflect on building your own habits of resilience


Takeaway:  An understanding of resilience, its importance, and an action plan to build the skill at work.


Target Audience: All working/ non-working individuals looking to understand resilience and self-growth in a professional environment.



Aug 17 2023


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm




In Diverse Company


Next Occurrence

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