Danny Hallwood

Director of Engineering

  • 26 years experience Internet engineer, still leads by hands-on example​
  • Network, compute, application, cloud, container, and security architect​
  • Programme manager and chief security architect for national utilities​
  • Chief architect, project management of confidential and secret implementations​
  • Technical expert with proven record in greenfield and turn around projects​
  • Director of service operations for multi-billion conglomerate​
  • Global experience working with, and to create, flat empowered and enthused teams​

​Danny says ‘I’m a technologist; a working, a right, and a better way to build tends to be objectively and obviously elegantly. Our teams grow as we’re successful in adopting the better idea from any quarter, happy to fail fast, change our convictions as technology evolves. By following each others direction we are interested, learning, and staying cutting edge.​

​In 1996 myself and 3 other engineers, built AOL in the UK in 6 weeks, from bare metal to the commissioned platform and logged on users.​

​Basic humanity, honesty, and empathy demands we and the world must be better, we have to transcend the past. Setting an example is not good enough. D&I must become the norm’.