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Collaborating effectively across cultures – Part 1

Collaborating effectively across cultures – Part 1 - banner image

Culture is a force that influences virtually every aspect of our lives. Diverse cultures shape our thinking, behaviour, expectations, and decision-making in different ways. If we want to thrive in increasingly multicultural work environments, it is crucial to understand and navigate the impacts of culture.

Resetting the age gap through reciprocal mentoring

Resetting the age gap through reciprocal mentoring - banner image

Amongst the varied forms of workplace relationships, an important one to highlight is that of Mentoring. Mentoring refers to a relationship where an individual provides perspective, guidance & support to another, less experienced individual.

How to ideate inclusively?

How to ideate inclusively

Have you heard of the old Indian fable of the three blind men and the elephant?

In the story, three blind men encounter an elephant for the very first time and are forced to use their sense of touch to understand what’s in front of them.