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Randstad India – Research on Ageism

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Randstad India

leading recruitment agency specialised in connecting people with the right jobs, and employers with the right people

Business challenge

In partnership with Randstad India, In Diverse Company (IDC) embarked on a dynamic study to investigate ageism in the Indian workplace, addressing three key questions: How does ageism manifest, what are its impacts, and how can age diversity enrich today’s workplace? A mixed-method study addressed these questions across India’s diverse age groups, sectors, and regions. This included quantitative studies (anonymous online survey) and qualitative studies (focus group discussions and interviews) involving people from varied age groups and HR and ED&I experts. IDC led the literature review, research methods, implementation, recruitment of participants through social media outreach, and analysis.


IDC’s findings provided insights into the prevalence of ageism in Indian workplaces, and how it manifests with different age groups, in different sectors, and even in different types of companies. It also showcased how ageism impacts different groups, such as people of different genders and sexual orientations or those with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities. The findings enabled the creation of an approach to leveraging age diversity in India Inc, which emphasized awareness and communication, leadership practices and behaviors, organizational policies and HR practices, and individual actions and mindset.


  1. A total of 956 individuals responded to the survey: 19% from the 18-24 age group, 27% from 25-34, 18% from 35-44, 19% from 45-54, and 17% from 55+

  2. People reported experiencing the phenomenon but lacked an awareness of the term ‘ageism’ itself.

  3. Of all 956 respondents, 40% had either witnessed or experienced ageism in the workplace.

  4. Of all survey respondents who are considering leaving their current role, 43% agreed that age discrimination is one of the factors.

About the company:

Randstad India is a division of Dutch-based Randstad Holding NV, a Dutch multinational human resource consulting firm headquartered in Diemen, the Netherlands.

40% of respondents experienced or witnessed ageism in the workplace

Research led to actionable strategies emphasising awareness, communication, and leadership to combat ageism and leverage age diversity

Camden Council Photo

Story & quotes:

A White participant, for the very first time in her life, called out an act of racism that she witnessed outside the workplace. She felt that she was more equipped to do so after the session and felt confident in supporting the victim. Though she was extremely uncomfortable doing so, she did it and that was her starting point in this journey she plans to continue.  

Maria was discussing how frontline workers, from marginalised backgrounds, were being targeted for racial abuse by the public. She said that this was an ongoing problem, where an elderly white woman refused to be served by anyone of colour, and Maria’s manager assisted the woman to be served by a white person instead of addressing the racism that his colleagues were being subjected to. Maria’s manager, a white man, was asked to intervene repeatedly but instead allowed the abuse from the customer to continue. Post the ARLO sessions, Maria felt emboldened by the content, and the fact that everyone had been on the course; she spoke to senior leadership above her manager, and they have decided to ban the elderly white woman from the building.

Next Steps

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