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Evora Global - ED&I Support

Evora Global - case study image

Evora Global

As an organisation working in the sustainability space, EVORA’s vision is to improve the wellbeing of our planet and people.

Business challenge

EVORA Global sought a comprehensive approach to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, aiming to understand the current culture, provide baseline training, and develop a bold public statement on ED&I importance. Partnering with In Diverse Company (IDC), they engaged in leadership team sessions to identify barriers, conducted a Culture Audit to uncover policy gaps, and facilitated ED&I training sessions for all employees and leaders.

The project involved the following steps:

  1. Leadership Engagement – Sessions to understand barriers in leadership and behaviours.

  2. Culture Audit – In-depth evaluation of the current culture and identification of gaps in policies.

  3. ED&I Training – Ongoing sessions for all employees and leaders to build a baseline understanding of ED&I.


  • Higher Engagement: Increased engagement and commitment to ED&I from leaders and stakeholders.

  • Action-Oriented: Detailed action plans to address culture audit findings and improve ED&I practices.

  • Enhanced Communication: Improved internal communications about ED&I priorities and actions.


  1. Leadership Engagement and Public Commitment: Increased levels of engagement and public commitment to ED&I from EVORA leaders and stakeholders.

  2. Action Planning: Development of action plans to address areas for improvement identified in the Culture Audit, including updates to recruitment processes and support for employee groups from onboarding onwards.

  3. Improved Communication: More frequent and effective two-way communications within the organisation regarding their ED&I priorities and commitments.

About the company:

EVORA Global is a sustainable real asset investment and finance consultancy and ESG software provider with specialist expertise in the real asset sector.

Higher engagement and public commitment from EVORA leaders

Development of concrete action plans to improve ED&I practices.

Camden Council Photo

Story & quotes:

A White participant, for the very first time in her life, called out an act of racism that she witnessed outside the workplace. She felt that she was more equipped to do so after the session and felt confident in supporting the victim. Though she was extremely uncomfortable doing so, she did it and that was her starting point in this journey she plans to continue.  

Maria was discussing how frontline workers, from marginalised backgrounds, were being targeted for racial abuse by the public. She said that this was an ongoing problem, where an elderly white woman refused to be served by anyone of colour, and Maria’s manager assisted the woman to be served by a white person instead of addressing the racism that his colleagues were being subjected to. Maria’s manager, a white man, was asked to intervene repeatedly but instead allowed the abuse from the customer to continue. Post the ARLO sessions, Maria felt emboldened by the content, and the fact that everyone had been on the course; she spoke to senior leadership above her manager, and they have decided to ban the elderly white woman from the building.

Next Steps

Following the project, a comprehensive report was published and can be accessed here.

“We had a great response to a recent panel discussion we ran about the results, and there was an appetite from a lot of colleagues to see the whole report.”

“…the additional data focus was incredibly useful for our meeting this afternoon as there were some areas which sparked interest.” 

Man in an office


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