Global view on social mobility – focus on India

Influencing wellbeing, life satisfaction, economic growth and even social cohesion, social mobility is an important measure of development in a society. It refers to the ability of individuals and groups to shift across socio-economic levels (ideally upward).
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion – A Global Perspective

In June 2024, In Diverse Company hosted a virtual roundtable discussion ” LGBTQIA+ Inclusion – A Global Perspective”. Industry experts globally joined us to explore the dynamic and evolving landscape of LGBTQIA+ rights and inclusion worldwide, how organisations and leaders navigate this in their global operations, and how they pave the way for change in the wake of the current situation.
White Feminism – how feminist movements failed to be inclusive

Feminism is often categorised as ‘waves’ – time periods aimed at elevating women’s status in society and giving them equal rights.
Diversity and Inclusion in Action: An Indian Perspective

Most organizations report no issues with caste, saying that all their people-decisions are based on merit and merit alone. However, this perspective doesn’t fit well with research that indicates the low representation of disadvantaged castes at higher management levels, and which also sheds light on their day-to-day experiences of marginalization.
The relevance of social intelligence in the workplace

The relevance of social intelligence in the workplace
Why don’t Employee Resource Groups work? – a different approach to diversity

Employee Resource Groups, or ERGs, have been embedded into corporate cultures since the 1970s. They are often also referred to as business networks or affinity groups, where people come together around a shared identity such as race, gender, age, or mental health.
How to make your performance appraisal process more inclusive

During the last several years, we have seen more and more organisations move away from traditional performance management processes. Starting with technology companies, such as Microsoft, large professional services firms, Accenture and Deloitte also followed suit.
How to ‘grow’ your intelligence?

Psychological researchers say that a ‘growth’ mindset can be developed. Everyone can change and grow through application and experience in their efforts and through deliberate practice.
How inclusion can drive innovation in your organisation

In today’s unpredictable business environment, organisations that harness differences are the ones to excel. Ideas are not generated in the air; they are created by people and are more likely to draw inspiration from seemingly unrelated places.
A deep dive into inclusive attitudes at workplace

If we were to measure “success” by the metric of endurance over time, then the San People of the Kalahari Desert (also known colloquially as “Bushmen”) are arguably by far the most successful in human history. An unbroken chain of San people has existed in Southern Africa for the last 150,000-200,000 years!